DataCite Metadata Schema

A set of mandatory metadata that must be registered with the DataCite Metadata Store when minting a DOI persistent identifier for a dataset. The domain-agnostic properties were chosen for their ability to aid in accurate and consistent identification of data for citation and retrieval purposes.

Sponsored by the DataCite consortium, version 3.0 was recently released in 2013.

Summary Edit

Standard Website
Dublin Core
IDF (International DOI Foundation) Metadata Kernel
OECD Dataset Metadata
DDI (Data Documentation Initiative)
General Research Data

Extensions Add

OpenAIRE Guidelines for institutional and thematic repositories, data archives and CRIS systems Edit

The OpenAIRE Guidelines are a suite of application profiles designed to allow research institutions to make their scholarly outputs visible through the OpenAIRE infrastructure. The profiles are based on established standards and designed to be used in conjunction with the OAI-PMH metadata harvesting protocol to foster FAIR principles:

While the focus of each profile is different, they allow for interlinking and the contextualization of research artefacts.

Tools Add

DataCite Metadata Store API Edit

RESTFUL API for registering datasets with the DataCite organization. The interface uses the DataCite Metadata Schema.

OpenAIRE Validator Edit

This service validates OAI-PMH metadata records against the OpenAIRE Guidelines for publication repositories, data archives and current research information systems.

Use Cases Add

The Centre for Digital Music Research Data Repository Edit

Used by researchers at C4DM to share their research data with their colleagues and others in the digital music research community, this repository uses the DataCite metadata schema to describe its holdings.

Environmental Information Data Centre (EIDC) Edit

The Environmental Information Data Centre (EIDC) is a Natural Environment Research Council Data Centre hosted by the Centre for Ecology & Hydrology (CEH). It manages nationally-important datasets concerned with the terrestrial and freshwater sciences.

KomFor Data Portal Edit

KOMFOR provides access to data in the earth and environmental sciences with special emphasis on geological disciplines The minimum set of metadata elements in KomFor is determined by the DataCite metadata schema.

OpenAIRE Edit

A European Scholarly Communication Infrastructure that aggregates bibliographic metadata from a network of publication repositories, data archives and CRIS following the OpenAIRE Guidelines. Together with additional authoritative information, the objects and their relationships described by the metadata form an information space graph which can be traversed by users and accessed via APIs by other services. The metadata primarily support discovery and monitoring services.