Use cases are specific organizations or projects which use the standard to in a research data system or setting

Use Case Template

title: Full name of the organization or service using the standard
slug: file-name-without-extension
website: URL of the organization or project website
description: |
  <p>A sentence or two describing the organization or service and how it uses
  the standard. Use HTML tags to format the text if needed.</p>
  # One or more of the following:
  - arts-and-humanities
  - engineering
  - general
  - life-sciences
  - physical-sciences-and-mathematics
  - social-and-behavioral-sciences
  # From HESA JACS Codes:
  # See the subjects folder for terms already in use. Examples:
  - materials-science
  - creative-art-and-design
  - health-policy
  # (File) name of related standard(s)
  - file-name-without-extension
  - other-file-name-without-extension
# The following are constants: do not modify
type: use_case
layout: use_case


  1. Copy template:

  2. Go to GitHub: Add a new file

    This will fork a copy of the site's repository and allow you to edit a page.

  3. Paste in your boilerplate and edit away!

  4. Commit and then submit a pull request