The openPMD standard provides naming and attribute conventions that allow the exchange of particle and mesh based data from scientific simulations and experiments. The primary goal is to define a minimal set/kernel of meta information that enables the sharing and exchange of data to achieve.
The standard suits any kind of hierarchical, self-describing data format, such as, but not limited to ADIOS1 (BP3), ADIOS2 (BP4), HDF5, JSON, and XML.
A metadata storage service that implements CSMD Version 2.5 to record information about physical science experiments.
A sister project of ICAT, consisting of a suite of CSMD-based software tools designed to support derived data management in the scientific research process.
A desk study of CSMD implementation in two facilities: the UK National Crystallography Service and the ISIS Neutron Source.
The ICAT website's list of the facilities and organisations usingthe CSMD-based ICAT software.