Nuclear and Particle Physics

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Open Standard for Particle-Mesh Data (openPMD) Edit

The openPMD standard provides naming and attribute conventions that allow the exchange of particle and mesh based data from scientific simulations and experiments. The primary goal is to define a minimal set/kernel of meta information that enables the sharing and exchange of data to achieve.

  • portability between various applications and differing algorithms;
  • a unified open-access description for scientific data (publishing and archiving);
  • a unified description for post-processing, visualization and analysis.

The standard suits any kind of hierarchical, self-describing data format, such as, but not limited to ADIOS1 (BP3), ADIOS2 (BP4), HDF5, JSON, and XML.

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A metadata storage service that implements CSMD Version 2.5 to record information about physical science experiments.

ICATLite Edit

A sister project of ICAT, consisting of a suite of CSMD-based software tools designed to support derived data management in the scientific research process.

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CSMD Pilot Studies Edit

A desk study of CSMD implementation in two facilities: the UK National Crystallography Service and the ISIS Neutron Source.

ICAT Implementations Edit

The ICAT website's list of the facilities and organisations usingthe CSMD-based ICAT software.